1. Never fly in a mild to strong wind ---- After you do have parts ready.
2. When flying outdoors in a light wind, set your trim so it is pushing your heli forward.
3. Always make sure your radio is turned on first ---- Don't want your heli flying away.
4. When your battery is getting low bring your heli in and charge it ---- Don't wait.
5. Keep your blades balanced; it can help in more than one way.
6. Never get to close too people or pets, this heli can hurt someone. ---- Fly safe
7. If your heli gets away from you fly it as low as you can and just drop it to the
ground. Better broke than lost to the Heli Gods.
8. Outside flying at night, keep it close very close ---- Only takes a second and it's gone.
9. Turn off the heating/AC before you start flying ---- WIND
10. Move the servo linkage for both pitch and roll one notch, if you want to fly outside.
11. How to stop the CX2 addiction ---- Can't!! and don't even try to.
12. Never let a friend fly your heli , they will crash it and then laugh. (Not even your Mother)
13. Never fly on the 13th of the month ---- It is just plain old bad luck .
14. Never fly under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or your wife yelling at you.
15. Shut your heli down as fast as you can when you hit something ---- Could save a 4in1
16. Never try to take off from tall grass, a hard surface is best to take off and land on.
17. Landing over grass, cut the power before the skids touch the grass.
18. Always check your heli after a crash, even if it looks like everything is ok.
19. Your heli is out of range when you can't tell if its coming or going.
20. Never try to catch your heli to save it from a crash, better off putting parts on it not you.
21. Toilet Bowl Effect ( TBE. ) Get help with this big headache. Click Here